

The Library has developed new guides on Open Science


The Library has developed new guides on Open Science

It has carried out different actions within the framework of the project financed by the María de Guzmán grant for the promotion of scientific research of excellence of the FECYT



The Library of Mondragon Unibertsitatea continues working to promote Open Science at the University. For this reason it has developed new guides on 

It has also created a web space dedicated to research data and is working on the development of the Institutional Open Data Policy.

All these actions aim to promote and strengthen the development of Open Science in Mondragon Unibertsitatea and are part of the project funded by the María de Guzmán grant for the promotion of scientific research of excellence of the FECYT in the line of action 2: Open Science and interoperability in institutional digital infrastructures. Modality 2.1: Institutional repositories (call 2020-2021).

We hope they will be useful.